Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This blog would not be "mine" without a DIY how-to article once in a while. This one
seems to be one of the more popular so I thought I'd share it here. Equipped with only
the most rudimentary welding skill, I wanted to construct a locking mechanism that
would turn an old Pelican case into a useful piece of motorcycle luggage. Enter the
u-bar bicycle lock.

It's important to find a u-bar with a locking "notch" on both ends so the lock can be pulled
straight off. Some U-Bars have a "crook" on one end which wouldn't work here.

I welded the u-bar to a bracket that would take the place of the Bandit's grab bar and
painted it with spray truck bed liner.

I fastened the business end of the lock to the underside of the case with 1" conduit
clamps and cut a piece of an old poly cutting board and mounted it with spacers to fit
under the front of the "u".

This rig has been in place almost a year and has proven to be very convenient.
Removing and replacing the case is a snap and the water tight nature of the
Pelican case keeps articles inside dry. You'll find more photos and step-by-step
how-to information here. LINK

1 comment:

  1. I like it! Wish I knew how to weld.....then again, probably better for my motorcycles that I don't! : )


About Me

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Salesman/insurance agent more than 20 years turned baker. Go figure. My wife Julana and I bought a little bakery ten years ago and now she is the premier cake designer in this part of the state. In the past few years I have developed a love for motorcycling. Can you tell?